Jun 182011
To aid my never-ending quest to remember the things I learn about programming – I’ve decided to make this post as a place to leave little functions and crap that I always forget and are way too stupid to have to figure out more than once.
It’ll grow, I’m constantly learning things I forgot.
###################################### ################ WARNING: ############ ############## STUPID CODE ########### ###################################### #### PLEASE DO NOT LEARN ANYTHING #### ###################################### def sbh_within(x,y,d): ###---CHECK IF x-d <= y <= x+d if x-d <= y and x + d >= y: return True else: return False def sbh_center2d(Ax, Ay, Bx, By): ###---GET CENTER BETWEEN TWO 2D POINTS Cx = Ax + (Bx - Ax)/2 Cy = Ay + (By - Ay)/2 return Cx, Cy def sbh_dist2d(Ax, Ay, Bx, By): ###---GET DISTANCE BETWEEN TWO 2D POINTS Cx = Bx - Ax Cy = By - Ay return Cx, Cy def sbh_hypot(a, b): c = sqrt(a*a+b*b) return c def sbh_getAngle2d(A, B): ###---RETURNS HEADING FROM A TO B opp = B.y - A.y adj = B.x - A.x hyp = hypot(opp, adj) s = asin(opp/hyp) c = acos(adj/hyp) if B.x >= A.x and B.y >= A.y: r = s-pi/2 if B.x <= A.x and B.y >= A.y: r = c-pi/2 if B.x <= A.x and B.y <= A.y: r = (pi/2)-s if B.x >= A.x and B.y <= A.y: r = -(pi/2)-c return r def sbh_si(num): ###---RETURNS SIGN OF A NUMBER if num>=0: return 1 if num<0: return -1 def sbh_wrapAng(x): ###---WRAP EULER ANGLES (-pi <= a <= pi) p360 = pi*2 f = x - (p360)*floor((x+pi)/p360) return f
Most of these are issues I’ve run into with and without solutions.
– Can not add game logic bricks via. python API. [SOLVED]
– Can not access poseLib data with bpy.data, only bpy.ops functions and none to read pose data.
– Voxel data files: .raw/.bvox – can’t use multi-frame data. Only 64x64x64 grid size works.
– active object – accessible with “bpy.context.scene.objects.active = ob”