Mar 022011
This is a simple script I wrote that generates meshes using DLA.
I made a little demo animation where I ran the mesh as a cloth sim.
print("-----GO-----") import bpy import random from math import sin, cos, pi, sqrt from mathutils import Vector HardRadius = 2 RandWalkRange = .15 StickThresh = .15 #distance threshold to accrete MaxVerts = 100 #stop when this many verts have been added seedLOC = Vector((0.0,0.0,0.0)) D3 = True mname = "DLAtest" def brownian(): dx = random.gauss(0, RandWalkRange) dy = random.gauss(0, RandWalkRange) dz = random.gauss(0, RandWalkRange) return Vector((dx, dy, dz)) ####returns a new wanderer on sphere def newWanderer(): randAngleA = random.uniform(0,2*pi) randAngleB = random.uniform(0,2*pi) x = HardRadius * sin(randAngleA) * cos(randAngleB) y = HardRadius * sin(randAngleA) * sin(randAngleB) z = HardRadius * cos(randAngleA) return Vector((x, y, z)) def dist(A, B): xd = B.x-A.x yd = B.y-A.y zd = B.z-A.z return sqrt(xd*xd + yd*yd + zd*zd) def wanderLoop(ob): wand = newWanderer() mmesh = while len(mmesh.vertices) < MaxVerts: brown = brownian() wand.x += brown.x wand.y += brown.y if D3: wand.z += brown.z else: wand.z = 0 if abs(wand.x) > HardRadius or abs(wand.y) > HardRadius or abs(wand.z) > HardRadius: wand = newWanderer() for vert in range(len(mmesh.vertices)): dpt = dist(wand, mmesh.vertices[vert].co) dZ = dist(wand, seedLOC) if dpt < StickThresh: st = str(len(mmesh.vertices)+1) + " of " + str(MaxVerts) + " has been assimilated" print(st, dpt) addPoint(ob, wand, vert) wand = newWanderer() pass ####Object, point to add, index of vert to connect to (None is -1) def addPoint(ob, pt, conni): mmesh = mmesh.vertices.add(1) vcounti = len(mmesh.vertices)-1 mmesh.vertices[vcounti].co = [pt.x, pt.y, pt.z] if conni > -1: mmesh.edges.add(1) ecounti = len(mmesh.edges)-1 mmesh.edges[ecounti].vertices = [conni, vcounti] def newDLAMesh(mname): mmesh = omesh =, mmesh) addPoint(omesh, seedLOC, -1) return omesh ob = newDLAMesh("testDLA") wanderLoop(ob)
Man this site is great, thanks for sharing all this material! I hope you donĀ“t mind, but I’ll be doing a post on my blog about your site.. Congrats and thanks again for sharing.
Very cool, Thanks!
I figured it out. While piknog around for an update function I found out how to set a key for the energy button. To set a key for the lamps energy you do the following:[‘Lamp’].keyframe_insert(data_path = energy )I figured out the data path by right clicking on the energy button and clicking Copy Data Path So I loop through the frames setting a key on each frame then it was just a matter of playing the animation. Hovering over the play button showed that was as simple as doing this:bpy.ops.screen.animation_play()Here is my final code. (It’s probably going to mess up the identation)import bpyimport randomframe = 0endframe = 30bpy.ops.anim.change_frame(frame = frame) # make sure we are at frame zerofor i in range(frame,endframe+1): # add one because range doesn’t include last number # For loop sets random energy keyframes for Lamp’[‘Lamp’].energy = random.random()[‘Lamp’].keyframe_insert(data_path = energy ) bpy.ops.anim.change_frame(frame = frame) frame = frame + 1bpy.ops.anim.change_frame(frame = 0) # make sure we are at frame zerobpy.ops.screen.animation_play()I ended up not needing the time module after all. I learned a lot from doing this!