Apr 122011

I started on a script to allow real time mocap in Blender via. a socket connection to Brekel Kinect

I got it about 60% working. The problem is bizarre. Legs, torso, and head track fine, but shoulder and elbow rotations are completely out of whack.

I posted asking for help on Blender Artists and didn’t get any responses.

Got side-tracked on some other things but I thought I’d stay up-to-date and post what I have here in case it’s just what you’re looking for, or close enough to get you on the right track. If so- let me know how it goes!

Here’s the .blend file.

Just run Brekel-Kinect (I use v.40) and turn NITE tracking on. Then load this .blend and run the game (‘P’) (make sure GAMEempty BOOL game property is ‘FALSE’ or server will not start)

  12 Responses to “Blender/Brekel Kinect – Progress Report”

  1. Just the heads up that I’m very interested in how it’s moving along 🙂

    SHould have a Kinect by the end of the month, maybe I’ll get to testing and trying things out… just so you know you’re not alone in this.

  2. I am also working on similar project. I am now learning Blender and how to update the model with data obtained via socket connection. Can u share your python script.

    • Certainly, script is an attachment in the post. Let me know if you have trouble downloading it.

      • How can we edit the script? It must have the code to create TCP connection to read from the socket. I need to have a look.
        Till now, I opened it in blender and it shows the model. I also need to edit model’s movement. It doesn’t open in text-editor.
        I am a newbie to blender , so the question may look funny.

        • Ignore the previous post .When I open it in blender, it says” you have opened a 250 file, key information will get lost ,like animation data,Continue?” That’s why I am not able to see the script.
          I now downloaded the version 2.58 and now getting everything ok. Thanks

          • Good friend David .. Already satetrd to develop the basic plugin. So far I can create and export figures to get a code similar to yours (I hope you do not mind), adding the color applied to the faces. I continue to expand to make optimum.By the way, I have found the problem with your plugin, when is a very complex figure does not write the whole class .. SketchUp something happens and I know why. If you want to talk can contact me @JoseAlejandroRR or my email, my excellent complement knowledge. Thanks!

        • I attempt inatlsl Blender scripts I error:Installing Blender scripts . . .Failed !!!Install Blender application, eg copying disk image Applications folder Desktop, inatlsler again.logout[Process completed]Blender copied Applications folder. scripts copied manually. destination folder?Thanks tutorials! brilliant!

    • @danklaueThanks very prompt . I taken adivce heart sinking teeth Blender. I blown away such a program freely available. tutorials (video PDF) out , I feel I reasonable progress.I jump ahead Blender/X-plane tutorials a small bit pick up a few tips well. Thanks again.

  3. Hi~
    I”m phillip. Nice to meet you.
    Your code is so nice.
    I’m making Brekel client for Flash.
    It’ll be base your python code.
    My code is simple but doesn’t work.

    I’m just thinking may be some function has different effect.

    dpack = struct.unpack(‘114d’, data)

    _dpack = [];
    _dpack.push( _socket.readDouble() );

    Each result is different. I don’t know reason.
    Do you have any idea?
    or Do you have a protocol of Brekel TCPserver?

    • Hi David .. try doing a test with a simple gteioermc figure. When you export the file. AS apparently is okay, the problem happens when you add to the container Alternativa3D. You use the following code:var bx: mybox mybox = new ();bx.calculateNormals (true);bx.calculateBounds ();container.addChild (bx);But as it happens in version 7, the method calculateNormals () does not exist. So I put:var bx: mybox mybox = new ();bx.calculateBounds ();container.addChild (bx);But in this case adds nothing to the container, then I fail to see anything, but how big you assign the object. What would be the correct way to add it. Thanks to Excellent Your Job

  4. Oh great script! I bought a Kinect for the PC a few day ago to test some of the possibilities seen on youtube (reconstruction, etc.), and it’s so interesting. At last I also tested some mocap stuff and I also found this post… It works in Blender 2.61 with Brekel Kinect v0.49 – and I can also see the Problems with the rotation of the arms. Sadly I’ve have no experience in coding. But just a question: are you still working on the script? If yes, maybe I can play around with it, make some tests, ask other users more experienced in coding to help… I would love to see realtime mocap stuff in bge because, there would be very nice possibilities (eg. physic fun, etc). And respect for the great idea to use the brekel server information and get them into blender… I have the feeling, some people haven’t realised, what such a script could do.

    best regards and merry christmas from Leipzig/Germany

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