Dec 312013

I’ve had a few people contact me and let me know they’ve used the FastSPI library and my demo FX code. They are some really cool projects! I really appreciate it when people show me what they’ve done with the code so I thought I’d make a little post to show off some of their work. If the demo FX or control code has helped you out or you’ve used it in your project, please let me know and I’ll post it up here too.

—Infinite Mirror—

—Burning Man Bathroom Beacon—

—Deadmou5 Helmet—

—Mermaid Costume—


  10 Responses to “FastSPI2 LED FX Demo Code – User Coolness”

  1. Hello
    How can I control the speed of the programs?
    Many many thanks for your great work

  2. I am really impressed by this program! The only problem I am having is I have a teensy 3.1 card and only the newest fastled can support it (formally fastspi). Is there any plans in the future to convert this over to Fastled? If not, is this even convertible to fastled or does it rely on specific stuff from fastspi?

  3. Hi,

    I plan on using your killer FX code thix xmas !!! It really helps me understand how fastled is used.. One thing Im having difficulty with is creating scrolling text – along with some types of effects… I know there are several matrix engines out there (jinx, glediator, etc) but I would like to hardcode a message into the arduino. Do you have such code available?

    • Cool. I look forward to seeing your xmas project. I have been working on some 2D effects but I haven’t really done much to create scrolling text though.

  4. Hi Thomas.

    Thanks for sharing your work on the LED effects.

    Starting with one of your earlier code versions (forgot which one), i have made an X-mas hat decoration for my office.

    I am using some of your animations + a few of my own homemade ones, automatically changing between effects every random(300, 900) seconds.
    The system is built around an arduino pro mini, breadboard, a few wires, 2 m (120 LEDs) WS2812 led strip, cardboard and a white X-mas hat.

    (dont have any pictures/media hosted anywhere… can I email some to you to show in this post?)

    Happy X-mas

  5. Looks so good
    I was wondering though if it is possible to add in your code support for led strips on more then one pin? IE have one strip on pin 2 another strip on pin 3 and another on pin 4?
    I am just getting started with programming and i am lost but trying.

  6. […] I love seeing what people do with this! If you like I’ll post a link to your project on the FastSPI FX – User Coolness post. Also make sure to thank Daniel Garcia (the genius dev of the FastSPI library) on the G+ […]

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