Aug 162012

Here’s an Arduino LED backlighted sign I made.

Electronics are:
(1) Arduino Nano – $16
(1) Bluetooth TTL- $10
(23) Addressable LED Strip (SMD5050/WS2801) – $20

Then some foamcore, paint, and hot glue.

I’m using a android bluetooth terminal program to send serial commands to the arduino. Right now the program just calls ‘Modes’, which are different effects I hacked together in the arduino IDE. Later I’ll write a more versatile program so you can more directly control the LED’s with an Android app or something.

FYI – The Q is for Quixote Studios.

  6 Responses to “Arduino LED Backlighted Sign”

  1. The video does not work!

  2. you post that the addressable LED strip was $20. Is that a typo? 5m strips typically run about 6 times that much. Where did you get yours?

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