Here’s a simple script that lets you ‘bookmark’ camera positions.
It’s a little redundant since the same thing can be accomplished a number of different ways but after a discussion with another BR BUG member I thought I’d take a swing. So here’s the script (right-clk>save as)
Just uncompress, then copy the script to your addons folder and then activate.
You get a panel in the 3DView>Toolbar that lets you add, delete, and change marks.
It saves the loc/rot/dofdist/lens to a textblock called CAMERAMARKS. I know this is a hacky implementation but I’m a hack and that’s just what I do. It’s super rudimentary now but it was only about 3 hours of coding and most of that was looking through old code to remember how to setup the UI, which I needed a refresher on anyway so this was a good little project. So tell me what you think, if it’s useful, what it needs to become useful, etc.
looks like someone is feeling MOTIVATED ! 🙂 HA-HA !!!…awesome….