***I Apologize but this was all I could recover of the BST after my website went down. The links to the files are broken. I'll try to dig through some files and find the old code at some point. This script is fairly outdates already though so it may never happen. BLENDER STORYBOARD TOOLKIT
Blender Storyboard Toolkit
storyboarding and previsualization with Blender

To create a simple, easy to learn storyboarding tool that can be extended into detailed pre-visualizations with the power of Blender.

Blender is the perfect platform to utilize for storyboarding, but it's complexity can be daunting. BST is a script designed to provide the basic assets needed for storyboarding and simplifies the functionality of Blender to a degree. Once a basic storyboard is laid out with BST, these can be extended by a Blender artist into detailed previsualizations or animations.

In the future, I would like this program to become an easy way for filmmakers to begin learning about the power of 3D in pre-production while expanding their understanding of composition and framing. Ideally I would like a Set Designer to be able to design a set in Blender or their preferred CAD program, import it, and with BST- allow a Director or DP to play with shots in 3D space. I'd also like this program to inspire the creation of basic assets such as talent, props, and sets for general use.

This program is written in Python 2.5 using the Blender 2.48a API. Of course this means BST is completely open-source, free to use, distribute and should be legal to smoke. I must take this opportunity to say I am proud to finally contribute something to the open-source community that has inspired me for so long. I must also say I am also embarrassed that that community will also read my code and find out that I am not really that great of a programmer. Special thanks to Jean-Baptiste Perin for his 'QuickDOF' program, which is the guts behind the BST depth of field simulation.

To anyone who tests this program in it's current form I am very grateful. However you must know that while Blender has matured nicely into it's current version, BST is in it's infancy. To anyone who has never used Blender before- please blame any dislike of the interface on me, not Blender. This program is written by a guy who quit programming to go to film school, and found himself writing programs there too. Clearly there is something wrong with me so until I get some help, the program is bound to be sketchy.

-All data stored in .blend file itself in native format. Data and objects for BST are collected and created using a system of prefixes.
-Basic poseable 'talent' with IK limbs.
-Poses can be saved and transfered to other 'talent' or 'shots'.
-Framework for future 'talent' variations.
-Camera control gui: pan/tilt/dutch, dolly/crane.
-Auto-aim targets 'talents' head.
-Target tracking.
-Rudimentary auto-frameup, CU, MCU, etc...
-Experimental depth of field/rack focus simulation.
-Import tool - a simple tool to import props, sets, and talent.
-Online Library: variations of talent, props, sets, film lights
-Shot sequence export, render quality adjustments.
-Better DOF simulation
-Automatic animated shots, dolly, rack focus, push/pull.

    For Windows:
1) goto Blender.org, download and install Blender 2.48a.
2) download this .blend file. (right-click: save link as)
3) run it - the gui should already be running. If you should have to end the program, ALT-P will crank it up again.

    For Mac:
1) goto Blender.org, download and install Blender 2.48a - ATTENTION!!! - you must download the Custom Python 2.5 installation- right below the regular Mac download for your PowerPC/Intel CPU
2) download this .blend file. (right-click: save link as)
3) run it - the gui should already be running. If you should have to end the program, ALT-P will crank it up again.

    For Linux:
if you run Linux you're probably a much better programmer than I am. You can figure this out.

-It's all in the .blend file. The meat of it the gui script, but also uses a spacehandler and the modified QuickDOF script. If anyone who knows what they're doing in Python and especially the Blender API wants to help out, please, I could use it. 

LOTS!!! this is a premature alpha at best, use at your own risk. I'm posting this online for the bravest and boldest Directors, DP's, Cam-ops, Art Directors,  I know many would like to work in 3D but don't know where to begin and certainly don't like the cost. I hope in the future this will be an easy way to get people started with 3D previz, but right now it's in a very crude form. I'd like to get input on the direction this toolkit should take, but I guarantee nothing. That said I've done as much as possible to ensure that this program stores all relevant information in the native Blender file and within the basic Blender framework so that any problems with BST will not effect user data.

-Numpad view change and mouse wheel zoom doesn't refresh until the next event.
-Ortho/Persp toggle doesn't change when user changes the view in 3D window.
-Snap camera to view will crash Blender if user is already in camera view.
-Lens information is not updated in the gui menu, lens information is not copied to new shots.
-Edit Pose mode can cause errors if pose is transfered to talent from an older version.
-3D window doesn't pass all events (some of this is not a bug, it's to prevent accidental user changes to Blender)
-Imported COL files generate strange rendering artifacts.