Dec 182011

Here’s a simple script that lets you ‘bookmark’ camera positions.

It’s a little redundant since the same thing can be accomplished a number of different ways but after a discussion with another BR BUG member I thought I’d take a swing. So here’s the script (right-clk>save as)


Just uncompress, then copy the script to your addons folder and then activate.

You get a panel in the 3DView>Toolbar that lets you add, delete, and change marks.






It saves the loc/rot/dofdist/lens to a textblock called CAMERAMARKS. I know this is a hacky implementation but I’m a hack and that’s just what I do. It’s super rudimentary now but it was only about 3 hours of coding and most of that was looking through old code to remember how to setup the UI, which I needed a refresher on anyway so this was a good little project. So tell me what you think, if it’s useful, what it needs to become useful, etc.

  One Response to “Blender Camera Marks”

  1. looks like someone is feeling MOTIVATED ! 🙂 HA-HA !!!…awesome….

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